The South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub (SW WA Hub) partners with other hubs across the country to boost Australia’s resilience to drought and climate challenges, creating a stronger and more sustainable future for all in the agricultural industry.
The eight Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hubs are funded by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund. The hubs support farmers and communities to get ready for drought and connect farmers with regional agricultural experts, innovation and new practices.

Modern soil moisture monitoring for improved drought resilience
Improving horticulturalists’ drought resilience through the adoption of modern soil moisture monitoring technology.
Lead: SW WA Hub

Managing rangelands for drought resilience
Using digital technology to monitor and assess ground cover and forage availability to better manage rangeland condition across seasons.
Lead: Northern Hub

Fast tracking WA and NT to align with nutritional feed base mapping technology advancements at a national level
Advancing nutritional feed base mapping technology in Western Australia and the Northern Territory to assist pastoralists in managing grazing and stocking rates.
Lead: Northern Hub