Grower Group Alliance

Regional Advisory Committees

Regional Advisory Committees

The South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub has appointed Regional Advisory Committees (RACs), which comprise skills-based representatives of agricultural industries for each of four agro-ecological zones covered by the hub.

Through their knowledge and expertise, they will provide guidance to the hub on priority issues impacting the drought and climate resilience of farming systems, their industries and communities. Download priorities identified to date below.

Southern Rangelands

Laurene Bonza (Chair)
Kari-Lee Falconer
Rob Sudmeyer
Amanda Day
Ashley Bell
Alan Peggs
Phil Vercoe
Esther Jones
Richard Marver
Greg Brennan
Margi Weir

Mid West & Gascoyne Coastal

Paul Shain (Chair)
Annie van Blommestein
Christine Zaicou-Kunesch
Candy Hudson
Bronwyn Walsh
Zora Singh
Michael Considine
Dan Kuzmicich
David Timmel
Amir Abadi
Neil Lantzke
Doriana Mangili
Manus Stockdale


Rod Birch (Chair)
Vanessa Stewart
Andrew Fletcher
Jo Wheeler
Karl O’Callaghan
Rob Grima
Nik Callow
Heidi Mippy
Bronwyn Clarke

South West

Julia Easton (Chair)
Kelly Hill
Neil Lantzke
James Bowie
Dean Thomas
John Ruprecht
Megan Ryan
Bruce Mullan
Esther Jones
Zora Singh
Catherine O’Keefe
Larry Jorgensen
Bronwyn Walsh

Southern RangelandsMid West & Gascoyne CoastalWheatbeltSouth West
Laurene Bonza (Chair)
Kari-Lee Falconer
Amanda Day
Alan Peggs
Phil Vercoe
Richard Marver
Greg Brennan
Margi Weir
Sean D’arcy
Bronwyn Clarke
Paul Shain (Chair)
Annie van Blommestein
Christine Zaicou-Kunesch
Bronwyn Walsh
Zora Singh
Neil Lantzke
Doriana Mangili
Giao Nguyen
Rod Birch (Chair)
Vanessa Stewart
Andrew Fletcher
Jo Wheeler
Rob Grima
Nik Callow
Heidi Mippy
Bronwyn Clarke
Catherine Borger
Julia Easton (Chair)
Kelly Hill
Neil Lantzke
James Bowie
Dean Thomas
John Ruprecht
Bruce Mullan
Zora Singh
Catherine O’Keefe
Larry Jorgensen
Bronwyn Walsh
Esther Jones