The SW WA Hub has eight Node locations across the South-West WA region. The Regional Nodes provide guidance on priority issues impacting the drought and climate resilience of farming systems, their industries and communities. Through nominated managers, the Regional Nodes help link the Hub to end users by gathering and sharing knowledge, coordinating local activities and supporting Hub activities.

Location | Group | Contact | Email/Mobile |
Merredin | Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement Group (MADFIG) | Michelle (Meg) Gethin | |
Esperance | South East Premium Wheat Growers Association | Michelle Handley | |
Wickepin | Facey Group | Franco Renteria | |
Albany | Stirlings to Coast Farmers | Kathi McDonald | |
Manjimup | Southern Forests Food Council | Laura Bolitho | |
Bunbury | South West NRM | Peter Clifton | |
Geraldton | Northern Agricultural Catchments Council | Kane Watson | |
Carnarvon | Rangelands NRM | Sarah Jeffery |