UWA hosted educational workshops on natural capital production landscape opportunities
UWA hosted educational workshops to share insights on natural capital production landscape opportunities. These sessions delved into the potential of a Natural Asset Company equity structure to drive significant changes in Western Australia.

From spuds to stockfeed: tackling agricultural waste
Early trials showed that treated potato waste could replace barley in animal feed without compromising nutrition. However, challenges such as high moisture levels and bacterial content have highlighted the need for practical solutions to make the process more cost-effective for large-scale use.

Hub Regional Node hosts workshop to help producers prepare for drought
On 23 October, South-West NRM, a regional Node of the SW WA Hub, hosted a ‘Preparing for Drought’ workshop at Rylington Park in Boyup Brook. The event brought together experts and organisations dedicated to building drought resilience.

Promoting resilience: SW WA Hub leads sessions at 2024 Agronomy Conference
Grower Group Alliance team members, including CEO Rikki Foss, Acting Hub Director Dr Jo Wisdom, and Hub Adoption Manager Julianne Hill, attended the 2024 Agronomy Conference in Albany, themed “Adaptive Agronomy for a Resilient Future.” The conference highlighted innovative practices that drive resilience in agriculture, a key focus for the SW WA Hub.

Improving farm dam management for emissions reduction and water quality
The UWA Centre for Water and Spatial Science (CWSS) has deployed sensors at a pilot site to assess methane emissions, aiming to develop methods to gather data on how improved water management could reduce these emissions.

New Bioplastics Innovation Hub houses SMART SPRAYS transformational project
Murdoch University and CSIRO launched the Bioplastics Innovation Hub on 2 September, an $8 million collaboration that will work with industry to develop a new generation of 100 per cent compostable plastic.

Theo Nabben recognised for 20 years of evaluation leadership
Theo Nabben was one of three recipients of the Fellows Award at the 2024 Australasian Evaluation Society Conference.

Exploring transformative Aboriginal rehydration methods in Perenjori
This week, SW WA Drought Hub Director, Mark Holland, Hub Project Manager, Lucy Tomassini and Hub MEL Manager & Adoption Officer, Theodore Nabben visited Perenjori to gain valuable insights from Clint Hansen of Maaman Marra Boodjar on how he is utilising Aboriginal rehydration and restoration methods to address current and future climate challenges in contemporary agricultural systems.

Transforming potato waste into nutrient-rich feedstock
Agtech company Whole Green Foods is using a zero waste, enhanced nutrient extraction technology to turn potato waste into feedstock as part of a transformational project with the SW WA Hub. The primary goal of this project is to offer a novel, highly nutritious animal feed to replace or complement existing grain feed.

Hub study tour showcases innovative drought solutions in South-West WA
The study tour highlighted solutions implemented in different farming systems to address the same challenges caused by a drying climate.

SW WA Hub Looks to the future at APEN
The South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub’s Extension and Adoption team attended the Australasia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN) International Conference 2023 held in Launceston

‘Exchange Experience’ Study Tour to South Australia
A group of twelve recently joined the Hub team on tour to South Australia. South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub Project Manager Kellie-Jane