Meet Tanya Kilminster
Tanya Kilminster’s goal in her role as SW WA Hub Knowledge Broker is for farmers and grower groups to feel more confident making decisions in

Innovative barley technology in pipeline
A SW WA Hub-initiated project is developing innovative technology that will support faster market and end user acceptance of improved malting barley varieties. The Australian

Implementing improved vineyard floor management for premium grape production in a warm and dry Mediterranean climate
Funding: Australian Government’s Agricultural Innovation Hubs Program, with support from The University of WA (UWA). Initiated through the SW WA Hub Lead organisation: UWA Project

Meet Theo Nabben
Ongoing improvement of SW WA Hub activities is a central focus for Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Manager Theo Nabben. Mr Nabben describes MEL as

Biodegradable mulch put to the test
Irrigated crops such as grapes, citrus and vegetables in WA’s South-West agricultural region are worth $900 million to the economy but are vulnerable to climate

Find out about Regional Soil Coordinators
A recording of the recent webinar ‘What is a Regional Soil Coordinator’ provides an overview of these roles that are located across Australia. Funded by

Regional Node Leads planning ahead
The SW WA Hub’s Regional Node Leads recently met online with Hub staff for their first meeting of the year, and discussed work for the

Drought resilience challenge accepted
Keen and creative students from the WA College of Agriculture in Cunderdin have investigated solutions to help WA farm businesses adapt to a warming and

Meet Hub Director Mark Holland
For SW WA Hub Director Mark Holland, achieving success in his role means improving farmers’ preparedness for and ability to recover from drought, and accelerating

Technology harnessed to reduce yield gap
Digital platforms have the potential to help growers make decisions that reduce the gap between the water-limited potential of a paddock and the actual grain

Drought resilience priorities shaping investments
Drought resilience priorities identified by the SW WA Hub are shaping significant investments by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund (FDF). The priorities address local

Natural capital technology installed
The ability to calculate ‘natural capital’ – an area’s natural resources and environmental features – offers new opportunities for producers, but the huge scale of