Grower Group Alliance

Drought resilience priorities shaping investments

Drought resilience priorities identified by the SW WA Hub are shaping significant investments by the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund (FDF).

The priorities address local research, development and extension (RD&E) gaps and were identified after a comprehensive consultation process conducted by the Hub in 2021 and 2022.

Four situational analyses (for each of the four agro-ecological zones covered by the Hub) identified the topics, which were further refined by the Hub’s Regional Advisory Committees and then by grower groups and farmers through Regional Node Leads.

The priorities are helping to tailor FDF drought resilience investments, with the recent grant round ‘Extension and Adoption of Drought Resilience Farming Practices’ requiring applications to align with two or more Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub regional priorities.

The coming FDF grant round ‘Long Term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices’ may also require applications to align with Hub priorities.

The SW WA Hub priorities can be viewed on the Hub webpage.

Date Published



Natalie Lee Stakeholder & Communications Manager – SW WA Hub 0456 869 791
