Grower Group Alliance

Meet Hub Director Mark Holland

For SW WA Hub Director Mark Holland, achieving success in his role means improving farmers’ preparedness for and ability to recover from drought, and accelerating innovation and adoption.

“The Hub team is making great progress in delivering on this objective and has facilitated drought resilience projects that are focused on priorities shaped by the local industry,” Mr Holland said.

“These priorities were identified through a comprehensive process overseen by the Hub, including input from the Hub’s Regional Advisory Committees, Regional Node Leads and growers.

“They are ‘living topics’ that are open to further input from growers and industry.”

The SW WA Hub, led by the Grower Group Alliance with funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, is involved with 22 projects in the region worth $19 million, including co-contributions.

The Hub’s involvement in these projects ranges from being the lead organisation through to investing funding into projects or maintaining contact with project representatives and communicating outcomes.

Mr Holland is excited at the unique and collaborative role the SW WA Hub plays in the agricultural industry.

“Collaboration made possible by the Hub will help make the innovation system ‘work’ – leading to faster adoption by farmers of beneficial practices and technologies,” he said.

More information about Mr Holland is on the GGA staff page. Or head to the SW WA Hub webpages for information about drought resilience priorities and projects.

Date Published



Natalie Lee Stakeholder & Communications Manager – SW WA Hub 0456 869 791
