Hub Extension Officers Mary-Anne Glanzlowe and Cassie Howell ran a hands-on water quality testing workshop in Merredin with DPIRD Senior Research Scientist Glen Riethmuller and MADFIG staff Glenice Batchelor, Meg Gethin, and Krista Lancaster.
On Tuesday 11 February, the SW WA Hub’s newest extension team members, Mary-Anne and Cassie, headed east to the DPIRD Research Station in Merredin – probes and calibration solutions in tow.
During their visit, they teamed up with staff from MADFIG and DPIRD to deliver a hands-on workshop on water quality testing. The session covered the use of pH, electrical conductivity (EC) and turbidity meters – essential tools for measuring water quality on farms. The equipment, funded through the Water Quality Testing & Herbicide Efficacy Project supported by AgriFutures, will soon be available for local farmers and landholders to use.
Water quality plays a key role in farm productivity, influencing livestock health, herbicide effectiveness, and overall farm management. By making testing equipment more accessible and building farmer confidence in its use, the SW WA Hub is helping landholders make better-informed decisions about their water resources.