Grower Group Alliance

Livestock in a dry year with Elders and Agrarian

S1E6 Livestock in a dry year with Elders and Agrarian

22 November 202335:57

In episode six, the final instalment of Season 1 the South-West WA Drought Hub’s Dry Season Resources podcast, host Shannon Beattie turns listeners’ attention toward livestock. Guests Dean Hubbard, Michael Longford and Ashley Herbert talk about the impact of the dry season on livestock operations on WA farms.

The three experts talk at depth on current markets for sheep and cattle, the seasonal conditions farmers and pastoralists are facing right now and the decision making around managing ground cover, animal welfare and classes of stock to hold or sell.

Key to all these decisions is objective information, particularly around the carrying capacity of the land and how much feed is on hand and its cost. Spending the time working through a feed budget and management plan, and put simply, the earlier we make plans the more options we have.

Episode links

Strategies and tactics for sheep producers in a poor season – DPIRD

Seasonal Climate Outlook November 2023 – DPIRD

Additional resources

Climate outlooks: weeks, months and seasons – BOM

Livestock management in 2023-24 (PDF) – DPIRD

Date Published

