Grower Group Alliance

Dry Season Resources Podcast

The South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub is dedicated to sharing information that supports growers in preparing for dry seasons.

On the Hub’s Dry Season Resources podcast, we chat with farmers and industry experts about preparing for a dry season. Topics covered range from early planning to tactical decision-making as the season changes throughout the year and setting up for the following season.

Find the latest episodes of the Dry Season Resources podcast below. Subscribe to the Hub’s podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.

1 May 202436:45
Farmers may need to pull different levers to change or modify farm operations to minimise the impacts of a dry season on their business. Renae Piggott, a consultant with AgAsset, and Matt Hyde, a young Dalwallinu farmer, talk about the impact of a dry season on WA farms' cash flow and share useful tools and rules of thumb.
17 April 202424:59
Good crop establishment and rapid, early growth can improve water efficiency, increase yields and help the crop to compete against weeds. However, early sowing comes with its risks. DPIRD Research Scientist, Glen Riethmuller, and Beacon farmer, Stuart Faulkner, give practical tips for getting good crop establishment when sowing early.
3 April 202428:01
Smart Farms coordinator for Stirlings to Coast Farmers, Phil Honey, Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO, Roger Lawes, and Latham farmer, Dylan Hirsch, talk about the role of digital technologies in agricultural businesses and how they can address farming system challenges and improve in-season decision making when faced with a variable climate.
20 March 202443:14
Brad Milsteed, farmer and founder of 6Bs (Blokes, BBQ’s, Bonfires, Beers, Bonding and Bullshit) and Owen Catto from the Regional Men’s Health Initiative, discuss grassroots approaches to support whole of community mental health and wellbeing that operate across regional WA.
6 March 202431:30
Congellin farmer, Sandra Fowler, and DPIRD Senior Field Veterinary Officer, Anna Erikson, discuss the benefits of confinement feeding and deferred grazing during a dry season and things to consider when implementing this type of system.
21 February 202429:38
Application specialist Bill Campbell, from Campbell Ag, and Jemma Sadler, a Goomalling farmer talk about managing large spray programs with the hot, dry and dusty conditions experienced this summer.
8 February 202439:52
Cameron Weeks, from Planfarm, and Cam Nicholson, from Nicon Rural Services, about making risky decisions. They discuss knowing about the extremes, and then managing the risks (both good and bad) around those extremes - using head, heart and gut.
22 November 202335:57
Dean Hubbard, Michael Longford and Ashley Herbert talk about the impact of the dry season on livestock operations on WA farms. They cover markets for sheep and cattle, the seasonal conditions farmers and pastoralists are facing right now and the decision making around managing ground cover, animal welfare and classes of stock to hold or sell.
22 November 202320:13
CSBP senior agronomist James Easton discusses considerations for growers when it comes to nitrogen bank and the possibility of retained nutrition after a low crop year.