Project lead: Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD)
Project overview
Australian Lupin Bean – the new name coined for the seed of the Australian Sweet Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) – has the highest combined protein and dietary fibre content of any currently grown grain. However, the global food industry and consumers are generally unaware of the nutritional role lupins could play in an everyday diet.
The DPIRD Lupin exports project aimed to boost the profile of Australian Lupin Beans as a sustainable and healthy food source, as well as advance the production and export of lupin food ingredients, finished food products and concentrated livestock feeds.
The project enabled the establishment of the Sweet Lupin Western Australia Inc. (SLWA) which has brought together WA-based lupin processing and food businesses, along with technical experts.
Impacts and Results
The SLWA has now launched the Aussie Lupins website (, an information portal that aims to provide consumers, food companies, health professionals and nutritionists with accurate up-to-date knowledge about the attributes of the Australian Lupin Bean. The site houses nutritional information, recipes, and professional resources.
The project has set the scene for business development in lupin processing in Western Australia by supporting market expansion. Two WA based companies, The Lupin Co. and Coastal Crunch, have launched new food products on the local and export markets within the past 12 months.
SLWA members have acknowledged that the website and increased interest in lupin food as a result of the project has increased confidence in pursuing growth of their respective businesses.
This project was funded by the Australian Government’s Agricultural Innovation Hubs Program and was initiated through the South-West WA Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub.